
Who's Chukwudi Barrah?

noun [chook-woo-dee]

Amateur everything. But, I'm learning.

I'm not a web developer, copywriting pro, ninja, guru, or wordsmith. I understand that the English language is a complicated subject and how it can be tweaked and adjusted to convey the right message is continuously changing. As long as that understanding is clear and solid, I can create content for/about almost any subject or industry.

What I do

I do things; primarily online content that includes creating websites like Black Gourd, host a podcast and try to catalogue all things Black on blackside UK (and on Other Expats). You can find some of my editorial and copywriting work in the journal and in my selection of previous projects .

Things I like

  • Listening to recorded words
  • Walking
  • Lists
  • Reading words on pages
  • Photography
  • Running

ps. Send any enquiries to ndeewo@chukwudibarrah.com or use the contact form below.