Who's Chukwudi Barrah?
noun [chook-woo-dee]
Professional amateur. Digital tinkerer. Probably not caffeinated enough.
What I do
I make things happen on the internet (lol, it's my website; I'm allowed to say things). Sometimes they're good things, like:
- Creating websites that (hopefully) don't make your eyes bleed (see Melanin Travels Magic and Black Gourd)
- Talking into microphones (almost) professionally (check the Other Expats and blackside UK podcasts)
- Documenting Black excellence and mediocrity on blackside UK and (Other Expats)
- Writing words that people (probably don't) want to read
Receipts? Of course; check out my journal or browse through my greatest hits in the projects section.
Things that make me tick
- Audiobooks (because reading is hard)
- Walking (cheaper than therapy)
- Making lists
- Reading (yes, I contradict myself occassionally)
- Photography
- Running (from responsibilities, obviously)
My digital toolbox (aka tech stack)
The go-to weapons
- React
- NextJS
- Node
- TailwindCSS
- MongoDB
- WordPress
- Wix
- Contentful
- Sanity
PS: This list grows fast so check back next week for whatever new shiny tool catches my eye.
Want to chat? Send me a message at ndeewo@chukwudibarrah.com or use the fancy contact form below. I promise I read everything. Eventually.